Wood Pallets
Wood Pallets
An economical way to protect, store or move product.
  • Tough, durable, new wood.
  • Pallets are reusable and stack well to save space.
  • 10 per stack.

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Item Description
Ext. Price
L x W x HWood TypeCapacityFork
Per Pallet
36 x 36 x 5 1/2"New Wood2500 lbs.2-way287.8 lbs.287.8 EA
40 x 40 x 5 1/2"Heat Treated2500 lbs.2-way281.8 lbs.281.8 EA
47 x 32 x 5 1/2"Heat Treated5000 lbs.2-way308 lbs.308 EA
56 3/8 x 39 x 5 1/2"Heat Treated2716 lbs.4-way290 lbs.290 EA
24 x 24 x 5 1/2"#1 Recycled1000 lbs.2-way138.8 lbs.138.8 EA
30 x 30 x 5 1/2"#1 Recycled1200 lbs.2-way190 lbs.190 EA
36 x 36 x 5 1/2"#1 Recycled1500 lbs.2-way231.2 lbs.231.2 EA
48 x 40 x 5 1/2"#1 Recycled2500 lbs.4-way322.6 lbs.322.6 EA
48 x 42 x 5 1/2"#1 Recycled2000 lbs.4-way253.2 lbs.253.2 EA
48 x 48 x 5 1/2"#1 Recycled3000 lbs.2-way363.4 lbs.363.4 EA
48 x 40 x 5 1/2"Heat-Treated2500 lbs.4-way342 lbs.342 EA
© 2025 Hughes Enterprises(609) 586-7200