Gusseted Poly Bags - 1.5 Mil
Gusseted Poly Bags - 1.5 Mil
Exapandable sides and fitted bottom make packing large shaped items easier.

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Item Description
Ext. Price
Gusseted Poly Bags - 1.5 Mil
W x D x HMilQuantity
Per Case
4 x 2 x 8"1.510005.1 EA60 20480-3
4 x 2 x 10"1.510006.34 EA60 20480-3
4 x 2 x 12"1.510008.2 EA60 20480-3
6 x 3 x 12"1.5100011.1 EA60 20480-3
6 x 3 x 15"1.5100013.92 EA60 20480-3
6 x 3 1/2 x 15"1.5100014.52 EA60 20480-3
6 x 3 1/2 x 18"1.5100017.38 EA60 20480-3
6 x 4 x 12"1.5100012.16 EA60 20480-3
6 x 4 x 15"1.5100015.44 EA60 20480-3
8 x 4 x 15"1.5100017.76 EA60 20480-3
8 x 4 x 18"1.5100021.78 EA60 20480-3
8 x 4 x 21"1.5100025.72 EA60 20480-3
10 x 4 x 24"1.5100030.06 EA60 20480-3
10 x 8 x 20"1.5100036.88 EA60 20480-3
10 x 8 x 24"1.5100039.62 EA60 20480-3
12 x 8 x 20"1.5100039.14 EA60 20480-3
12 x 8 x 24"1.550025.52 EA60 20480-3
12 x 8 x 30"1.550031.1 EA60 20480-3
12 x 10 x 24"1.550025.52 EA60 20480-3
16 x 14 x 24"1.550023.32 EA60 20480-3
16 x 14 x 30"1.550027.95 EA60 20480-3
16 x 14 x 36"1.525027.95 EA60 20480-3
20 x 18 x 30"1.2525029.85 EA60 20480-3
20 x 18 x 30"1.525029.85 EA60 20480-3
20 x 18 x 36"1.525029.85 EA60 20480-3
24 x 20 x 48"1.520023.52 EA60 20480-3
24 x 20 x 48"1.520044.12 EA60 20480-3
24 x 24 x 48"1.510025.2 EA60 20480-3
30 x 16 x 60"1.510027.7 EA60 20480-3
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