Cube Boxes
Cube Boxes
Perfect for shipping round items!
  • Cube boxes disburse product weight evenly for easier stacking.
  • Sold and shipped flat in bundle quantities.

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Item Description
Ext. Price
Cube Boxes
Inside Dimensions
L x W x H
Multi Depth/
3 x 3 x 3"ECT-32 Single Wall Corrugated25/30000.056 EA125
4 x 4 x 4"ECT-32 Single Wall Corrugated25/18000.1016 EA125
4 x 4 x 4"2"25/18000.1032 EA125
4 x 4 x 4"White25/18000.0968 EA125
5 x 5 x 5"ECT-32 Single Wall Corrugated25/18000.1576 EA125
5 x 5 x 5"White25/18000.1608 EA125
6 x 6 x 6"ECT-32 Single Wall Corrugated25/18000.2184 EA125
6 x 6 x 6"White25/18000.2256 EA125
6 x 6 x 6"ECT-44 Single Wall Corrugated25/15000.2936 EA125
6 x 6 x 6"ECT-48 Double Wall Corrugated15/6750.3987 EA125
7 x 7 x 7"ECT-32 Single Wall Corrugated25/5000.3008 EA125
7 x 7 x 7"White25/5000.3032 EA125
7 x 7 x 7"ECT-48 Double Wall Corrugated15/4500.5107 EA125
8 x 8 x 8"ECT-32 Single Wall Corrugated25/9000.3928 EA125
8 x 8 x 8"6,4"25/9000.4016 EA125
8 x 8 x 8"White25/9000.3896 EA125
8 x 8 x 8"ECT-44 Single Wall Corrugated25/5000.5576 EA125
8 x 8 x 8"ECT-48 Double Wall Corrugated15/3000.6733 EA125
9 x 9 x 9"ECT-32 Single Wall Corrugated25/6000.4952 EA125
9 x 9 x 9"7,5"25/6000.4928 EA125
9 x 9 x 9"White25/6000.4808 EA125
9 x 9 x 9"ECT-44 Single Wall Corrugated25/6000.614 EA125
10 x 10 x 10"ECT-32 Single Wall Corrugated25/5000.6024 EA125
10 x 10 x 10"8,6"25/5000.5848 EA125
10 x 10 x 10"White25/5000.6504 EA125
10 x 10 x 10"ECT-44 Single Wall Corrugated25/5000.8384 EA125
10 x 10 x 10"ECT-48 Double Wall Corrugated15/3001.039 EA125
11 x 11 x 11"ECT-32 Corrugated25/5000.7256 EA125
12 x 12 x 12"ECT-32 Single Wall Corrugated25/5000.8632 EA125
12 x 12 x 12"10,8"25/5000.8728 EA125
12 x 12 x 12"White25/5000.8632 EA125
12 x 12 x 12"ECT-44 Single Wall Corrugated25/2501.208 EA125
12 x 12 x 12"ECT-48 Double Wall Corrugated15/1501.581 EA125
12 x 12 x 12"ECT-71 Double Wall Corrugated15/1501.727 EA125
12 x 12 x 12"ECT-90 Triple Wall Corrugated5/303.74 EA125
13 x 13 x 13"ECT-32 Single Wall Corrugated25/5000.9872 EA125
13 x 13 x 13"11,9,7"25/5000.9976 EA125
13 x 13 x 13"ECT-44 Single Wall Corrugated25/5001.285 EA125
13 x 13 x 13"ECT-48 Double Wall Corrugated15/1801.636 EA125
14 x 14 x 14"ECT-32 Single Wall Corrugated25/2501.165 EA125
14 x 14 x 14"12,10,8"25/2501.177 EA125
14 x 14 x 14"White25/2501.158 EA125
14 x 14 x 14"ECT-44 Single Wall Corrugated25/2501.466 EA125
14 x 14 x 14"ECT-48 Double Wall Corrugated15/1202.268 EA125
14 x 14 x 14"ECT-71 Double Wall Corrugated15/1202.411 EA125
14 x 14 x 14"ECT-90 Triple Wall Corrugated5/305.856 EA125
15 x 15 x 15"ECT-32 Single Wall Corrugated25/2501.348 EA125
15 x 15 x 15"13,11,9,7"25/2501.384 EA125
15 x 15 x 15"ECT-44 Single Wall Corrugated25/2502.081 EA125
15 x 15 x 15"ECT-48 Double Wall Corrugated15/902.309 EA125
16 x 16 x 16"ECT-32 Single Wall Corrugated25/1251.534 EA125
16 x 16 x 16"14,12,10,8"10/1201.516 EA125
16 x 16 x 16"White25/1251.58 EA125
16 x 16 x 16"ECT-44 Single Wall Corrugated25/1252.008 EA125
16 x 16 x 16"ECT-48 Double Wall Corrugated15/902.607 EA125
16 x 16 x 16"ECT-71 Double Wall Corrugated15/752.997 EA125
16 x 16 x 16"ECT-90 Triple Wall Corrugated5/305.364 EA125
17 x 17 x 17"ECT-32 Single Wall Corrugated25/1501.66 EA125
17 x 17 x 17"15,13,11"25/1501.765 EA125
17 x 17 x 17"ECT-48 Double Wall Corrugated10/902.54 EA125
18 x 18 x 18"ECT-32 Single Wall Corrugated20/1201.904 EA125
18 x 18 x 18"16,14,12,10"20/1201.93 EA125
18 x 18 x 18"White20/1201.942 EA125
18 x 18 x 18"ECT-44 Single Wall Corrugated20/1202.361 EA125
18 x 18 x 18"ECT-48 Double Wall Corrugated10/703.206 EA125
18 x 18 x 18"ECT-71 Double Wall Corrugated10/703.498 EA125
18 x 18 x 18"ECT-90 Triple Wall Corrugated5/307.24 EA125
19 x 19 x 19"ECT-32 Single Wall Corrugated10/1202.196 EA125
20 x 20 x 20"ECT-32 Single Wall Corrugated10/1202.386 EA125
20 x 20 x 20"18,16,14"10/1202.358 EA125
20 x 20 x 20"White10/1202.106 EA125
20 x 20 x 20"ECT-44 Single Wall Corrugated10/1203.21 EA125
20 x 20 x 20"ECT-44 - 18,16,14"10/1203.074 EA125
20 x 20 x 20"ECT-48 Double Wall Corrugated10/703.96 EA125
20 x 20 x 20"ECT-71 Double Wall Corrugated10/704.642 EA125
20 x 20 x 20"ECT-90 Triple Wall Corrugated5/308.302 EA125
21 x 21 x 21"ECT-32 Single Wall Corrugated15/1502.467 EA125
22 x 22 x 22"ECT-32 Single Wall Corrugated10/1203.002 EA125
22 x 22 x 22"ECT-44 Single Wall Corrugated10/1203.6 EA125
22 x 22 x 22"ECT-48 Double Wall Corrugated10/904.802 EA125
23 x 23 x 23"ECT-32 Single Wall Corrugated10/1503.126 EA125
24 x 24 x 24"ECT-32 Corrugated10/1203.48 EA125
24 x 24 x 24"22,20,18,16"10/1203.46 EA125
24 x 24 x 24"White10/1203.504 EA125
24 x 24 x 24"ECT-44 Single Wall Corrugated10/1204.484 EA125
24 x 24 x 24"ECT-44 - 22,20,18,16,14,12"10/1204.48 EA125
24 x 24 x 24"ECT-48 Double Wall Corrugated10/705.46 EA125
24 x 24 x 24"ECT-71 Double Wall Corrugated10/707.724 EA125
24 x 24 x 24"ECT-90 Triple Wall Corrugated5/3011.64 EA125
25 x 25 x 25"ECT-32 Single Wall Corrugated10/1203.68 EA125
25 x 25 x 25"ECT-48 Double Wall Corrugated5/906.104 EA125
26 x 26 x 26"ECT-32 Single Wall Corrugated10/1203.972 EA125
26 x 26 x 26"24,22,20"10/1203.86 EA125
26 x 26 x 26"ECT-44 - 20,18,16,14,12,10"10/1205.19 EA125
26 x 26 x 26"ECT-48 Double Wall Corrugated5/756.744 EA125
27 x 27 x 27"ECT-32 Single Wall Corrugated5/1204.284 EA125
28 x 28 x 28"ECT-32 Single Wall Corrugated5/1204.544 EA125
28 x 28 x 28"ECT-48 Double Wall Corrugated5/908.204 EA125
30 x 30 x 30"ECT-32 Single Wall Corrugated5/1205.164 EA125
30 x 30 x 30"ECT-48 Double Wall Corrugated5/758.36 EA125
30 x 30 x 30"ECT-90 Triple Wall Corrugated5/3017.77 EA125
32 x 32 x 32"ECT-32 Single Wall Corrugated5/1205.86 EA125
32 x 32 x 32"ECT-48 Double Wall Corrugated5/9011.01 EA125
34 x 34 x 34"ECT-32 Single Wall Corrugated5/1206.688 EA125
36 x 36 x 36"ECT-32 Single Wall Corrugated5/1207.78 EA125
36 x 36 x 36"24,22,20"5/1207.46 EA125
36 x 36 x 36"ECT-48 Double Wall Corrugated5/7512.02 EA125
36 x 36 x 36"ECT-90 Triple Wall Corrugated5/3027.8 EA125
© 2024 Shipper's Supply(970) 224-2542